8086 was the first 16-bit microprocessor availiable in 40-pin DIP (Dual Inline Package) chip. Microprocessor are applicable to a wide range of information processing tasks, ranging from general computing to real time monitoring systems. Hence , students will be able to identify the various pins and their functions.
The 8086 is a 16-bit HMOS microprocessor availiable in a 40 pin IC and works with 5 volts DC supply. Electronic circuitry of 8086 consists of 29000 transistors implemented in N-channel, silicon gate technology and offered in three versions i.e. 8086(5 MHz), 8086-2(8 MHz) and 8086-1(10 MHz). The 8086 microprocessor is no longer used, but the concept of its principles and structure is very much useful for understanding functioning of other advanced Intel Microprocessors.
The 40pins of 8086 can be organized in the different group as given below.
The 8086 has 20-bit address bus, where 16 pins AD0-AD15 are multiplexed address / data bus and remaining 4 pins are multiplexed status and address lines A16/S3-A19/S6. The 8086 operates in two operating mode i.e. minimum and maximum mode. The function of control pins changes according to operating modes. In minimum mode, 8086 generates control signal such as HOLD, HLDA, ALE, RD, WR, M/IO,DT/R, DENand INTA. In maximum mode , 8086 generates control signal such as QS1,QS2,S,S1,S2,LOCK,RQ/GT0,RQ/GT1.
(Hover to enlarge)
An editor is a program, which is used to construct assmebly language program in appropriate format so that the assembler will translate it correctly to machine language. Therefore, you can type your program called as source program using editor. The DOS based editor such as EDIT can be used to type your program.
An assembler is a program that translate assmebly language program to the appropriate binary code for each instruction in program i.e. machine code and generate the file called as object file with extension .obj. Assembler may be TASM Borland's Turbo Assembler and MASM Microsoft Macro Assembler etc.
A linker is a program that combines, if requesteed, more than one separately assembled program module into one executable programand generate .exe module, and initializes it with special instructions to enable its subsequent loading the execution. Linker may be TLINK Borland's Turbo Linker and LINK Microsoft's Linker.
Debugger is a program is used to execute program in single step mode under the control of the user. The process of locating and correcting errors using a debugger is known as debugging. Some examples of debugger are DOS Debug command, Borland's turbo Debugger TD, Microsoft Debugger known as Code view CV etc.